Notice for Listing with the Social Security Fund
[Notice published by the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security on 2075/07/26 (November 12, 2018) - Nepal Gazette, Volume 68, Number 40]
The Government of Nepal has established the Social Security Fund ("SSF") pursuant to Social Security Act 2074 (2017). Pursuant to Sections 52 and 53 of the Labor Act 2074 (2017) and Rules 22 and 23 of the Labor Rules 2075 (2018), enterprises shall now be required to list themselves and their employees with SSF and deposit provident fund and gratuity amount in SSF.
To this end, employers operating in the following areas shall be required to submit online applications to be listed with SSF within the dates specified below:
In addition, employers shall also be required to register their employees with SSF within 3 months from the date of respective employer's listing with SSF. Further, employers shall also be required to transfer the provident funds and gratuity amounts from previously maintained accounts to SSF in accordance with the above-referenced provisions of the Labor Act 2074 (2017).
The form and process for registration may be obtained from
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